At Hall’s Plumbing, we take pride in fixing dripping faucets. But while this part of faucet repair often entails just stopping that dripping from being worse or even more bothersome, there are many other concerns that will be corrected as we repair your space.
- Avoid Wasting Water- Our faucet repair service will assist you with keeping water waste from being a problem. You could waste several liters of water in a day just by having water constantly dripping out from your faucet.
- Prevent Rust- You will also keep your faucet from developing rust when you contact us for your faucet repair needs. Metal that is exposed to excess amounts of water can start to rust. This impacts the quality of your water and also increases your likelihood of developing further damage to the sink.
- Stop Mold- Mold can build up around humid and moist spaces in your home. Your dripping faucet is a common site where mold might develop. Mold is not only difficult to clean off, but can also cause breathing issues. You may also experience an unpleasant smell when mold starts building up.
- Prevent Rot Around the Sink- The added water that comes from your dripping faucet can cause the surrounding surfaces around your sink to become damaged as well. These include the wood cabinets and supports around a sink and even spots near your floor. The added weight and stress that comes from a drip will hurt your setup.
Contact us at Hall’s Plumbing if you need help with keeping your faucet under control.